This painting of carrots is part of my Painting a Day for Pandemic project. Every day through the end of the April I'm going to paint & sell an original watercolor for $50 & at the end of the month, donate half the proceeds to a person or organization in particular need due to the current economic situation.
‘Carrots’ | My theme of ‘produce with leaves’ continues with this rustic bunch of carrots! Every time I buy a beautiful bunch like this I find myself wanting to display them on the counter instead of hiding them away in the fridge; they’re just so pretty. Our favorite way to eat them is roasted in a huge (& I do mean huge- like 20”) cast iron skillet with potatoes, onions & a whole chicken which was salted the night before. They get all sweet & caramelized & then tossed in the goodness that renders from the chicken (writing ‘fat’ in a painting description seems. . . not elegant? But that’s what I mean by “goodness”- & it’s delicious:). I could eat my weight in them!