Flapjack Kalanchoe

Flapjack Kalanchoe


This painting of a Flapjack Kalanchoe is part of my Painting a Day for Pandemic project. Every day through the end of the April I'm going to paint & sell an original watercolor for $50 & at the end of the month, donate half the proceeds to a person or organization in particular need due to the current economic situation.

‘Flapjack Kalanchoe’ | Several years ago Joel surprised me with a GIANT pot of Flapjack Kalanchoes— like a 3 gallon bucket size! I had seen them at Lowe’s or somewhere & gushed over them but didn’t buy them because I have a bit of a plant problem (you may have gathered that by now;). But he did that sweet husband thing and went back for them a few days later. And my goodness, has it been the heartiest, most productive plant ever! I always plant the largest one in a bed of white river rock at the side of the house then the rest are spread all over the place, inside & out; a little pot here, a conch shell there, a terrarium here . . pops of succulent everywhere. In the fall I dig up the large one- sometimes before the cold gets it, sometimes not- it doesn’t seem to matter. Even if the large leaves have wilted from the cold, there are always little baby Kalanchoes popping up on the stem underneath the rocks. I bring them all indoors for the winter & the process starts all over again, keeping me flush with succulents year-round.

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