
These beautifully packaged stationery sets are personalized & arrive in a wooden keepsake box. The cards feature all 6 moth paintings from my Kaleidoscope collection & your name (font choices shown in photo gallery). Lead time is 7-10 days.
What’s included:
-25 flat cards: 4.5″x5″ (my wonderful printer usually sends 30 but I can’t guarantee it)
-aquamarine envelope liners
-white envelopes
-wooden box tied with ribbon
“Kaleidoscope” is the technical name for a “flock” of butterflies or moths & it’s not hard to see why. The ‘Kaleidoscope’ stationery combines all six moth designs that formed the first HighBrow Hippie artwork collection. The Luna Moth has been fluttering in the recesses of my mind since childhood. I have a vivid memory of seeing one on the side of a red barn when I was 5 or 6. The contrast in colors, the shape of her wings, that almost luminescent yellow-green; it all made quite an impression on my little mind and years later I found myself putting her down in charcoal and watercolor. The collection grew naturally from there. Below is a list & description of each moth portrayed on the back of the Kaleidoscope cards:
Luna Moth [Actias luna]
Serene and graceful, the Luna Moth, for many, is a symbol of love. Her brief, 1-week life span make her a rare sighting in nature.
Ornate Bella Moth [Utetheisa ornatrix]
Considered one of the most beautiful moths, the Bella Moth also distinguishes herself by flying during the day. Beautiful & fearless; “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come”
Blue Tiger Moth [Dysphania percota]
Watery indigo and inky black ebb and flow across her wings; the bold yet serene colors of the Blue Tiger Moth will make a beautiful splash anywhere you put her.
Hebrew Moth [Polygrammate hebraeicum]
This black and white beauty is both fierce and delicate; her neutral tones are striking in their bold contrast
Royal Walnut Moth [Citheronia regalis]
With her velvet body and dark terracotta wings, this regal moth certainly deserves her name.
Citrus Fruit Piercer Moth [Gonodonta Nutrix]
Lovely sage & yellow make this unusual moth a warm, earthy addition to the Kaleidoscope collection. As you can probably guess from the name, she can pierce through the thick skin of citrus fruits with her delicate proboscis (tongue).